Bannerman Castle - fortress for weapons early 20th cent. following explosioon of gunpowder it was abandoned

This series of photos follows my journey on Amtrek Empire Service 241 departing 8:25am Albany,NY arriving 10:50am Penn Station, NYC. The route follows the Hudson river and I always like sitting on the river side to watch the sights as the morning awakes, the light on the scenery changes and works its magic. On this occasion I took my iPhone and began taking photos as we worked our way towards the city. The spots that one sees on some of the photos is due to the dirt on the window I was looking through and I have left most of them as it is part of the experience as is the blurriness as the train speeds along its route. It cares not for my photos, nor for much of the scenes it is passing through. It has a destination and schedule to keep. But the river is steady and constant. The images are fleeting -here and then gone - seen and then forgotten. Except for these.....